



This indicator takes into account the agronomic management practices in the vineyards and in particular it evaluates the use of pesticides and their effect on water bodies and soils, soil management practices, fertility and biodiversity issues. The indicator can be applied on the entire vineyard surface of a company or only on the vines used for a specific product.

The indicator makes an appraisal on sustainability performance through the analysis of six sub-indicators: defense, fertilization, compaction, organic matter, erosion and landscape. In particular it analyzes:

  • the environmental risk related to the chemical properties and the eco-toxicological limits of the pesticide used in the vineyard, evaluating the potential impacts, depending on the soil type and the hydro-geological and meteorological characteristics of the area;

  • the potential harmful effects of mineral and/or organic fertilization, taking into account the excess of nutrients into the soils depending on the percentage of organic matter, soil characteristics, C/N ratio, content of N, P2O5 and K2O and fertilizer application systems, evaluating their effects on water body contamination and on biodiversity;

  • problems related to soil compaction, considering the influence of farming operations, with particular reference to the use of agricultural machinery and the actions of rain;

  • the evolution of the organic substances in the soil as effect of soil management practices;

  • soil losses caused by erosion are evaluated taking into consideration agronomic management practices and the use of machinery;

  • effects of agronomic management practices on biodiversity.

The use of this indicator allows rationalizing the vineyard’s agronomic management, pursuing objectives of quality and land management.

Reference documents: the Directive 2009/128/EC about the sustainable use of pesticides and the OIV guidelines defined by the CST 2008 guide.

CONTACT:  Daniele D'Ammaro

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